One week to go!
Well, just over a week. Today Byron had his pre-trip oil change and overall check out. "Looking Good".
We also 'test packed' to see how we were doing on the pile of stuff we've been adding to in the house over the past months. Amazingly, there's still some space here and there in cabinets, we can see out the back window (not that it helps when driving), and I think that the floor will be pretty much clear.
The 'Solar Shower' is installed and tested. Maybe we'll even add a shower curtain to hang around the raised deck lid!
It will be a busy week at work as I transition everything to the folks taking over my job duties. Last day is Friday (morning), then pick up Aunt Jane at the airport, celebrate Meghan's graduation from Bear Creek. Saturday party with a whole lot of friends to empty out the home refrigerator, and hit the road on Monday! First stop, Sinks Canyon, Wyoming, then meet some friends in Grand Teton NP on Tuesday.
We can hardly wait!